How Nobul works

Here’s a little guide on how easy it is to use our free service.


Get personalized offers from agents, right away!

Cash back or commission savings offers are provided to you directly by local real estate agents, whether you are buying or selling. You will receive personalized offers from top agents that clearly show how much you’ll save and what free services you will get by working with them.

We make it easy for agents to compete for your business and offer you deals without sharing your contact info.

It’s free with no commitment, you’re in control.


Pick the best agent for you, easily!

Let us do the work for you.

We analyze thousands of transactions.
We review agents’ entire sales history.
We even verify reviews! No more paid reviews that anyone could post.

Using really cool AI, each agent gets a match score based on what’s important to you: years of experience, local knowledge, language, cash back … it’s up to you.

You just sit back and relax while we work to make it easy for you to compare and select your perfect real estate agent match.


Start working together, at your pace!

Browse properties, share listings, swap pictures and book tours (virtual or in-person) with your friends and agents.

Buyers we’ve got you. See new listings curated just for you as soon as they hit the market.

Sellers we’ve got you too. Easily see all the information you need in one place – what comparable properties are on the market, how many people are looking at your listing and scheduling viewings, what the market is doing in your area – we’ve got it all.

The cherry on top? It’s all free and you get cash back as well!

Human help at hand

At any point of the process, you can chat or talk with our real, live humans to ask questions, get advice or tell us what your dream home is and we’ll personally hunt it down.

We’re here for YOU, however you want to take your real estate journey.
Because helping you get the right realtor and the home you want is our jam.

Get started

Unbiased advice

Your Questions Answered

Here are just a few things people frequently ask about Nobul.

  1. Is Nobul free?


    Yes, Nobul is free to use for buyers and sellers. We do not sell your information; instead, we charge agents a fee when they close on a property.

  2. Will my information be shared?


    No - your information is never shared with real estate agents, third parties, or unauthorized contacts. You are in control.

  3. Once I select an agent, is there a commitment to work with them?


    No, not until you sign a representation agreement with an agent. There is never a commitment needed to use Nobul.

  4. How does Nobul find Real Estate agents for me?


    Any agent verified by Nobul can sign up to access the marketplace. We currently have agents across hundreds of brokerages active on Nobul. Agents are kept honest and accountable via their Nobul score, consumer ratings, reviews and testimonials. Agents cannot pay to advertise or be promoted on Nobul - we put your needs first.