Close More Deals With Qualified Buyers And Sellers

Want to connect with buyers and sellers who choose you? Nobul is the open marketplace where buyers and sellers get to see what great agents like you have to offer.

Sign up

  1. Create a free profile

    Our support to you is free. You pay us a referral fee of 0.5% of the sale price only when you have closed deals with the clients we referred to you.

  2. Buyers and sellers can compare top agents

    Buyers and sellers looking in your area will see your profile, get to know you a little and actively reach out to you. Isn’t that easier than trying to chase them down?

  3. We work hard too

    When was the last time someone helped you make more money? Our advisors work with you and the clients to help everyone have a great experience.

Nobul showcases your profile to motivated home buyers and sellers

Join Nobul and showcase your real estate agent profile to motivated home buyers and sellers. Gain access to buyers and sellers actively seeking agents. Maximize visibility, attract qualified leads.

Get your FREE profile today!

Fully fill out your profile to attract more client referrals

Optimize your profile, attract more buyers and sellers! Fill out your profile on Nobul’s agent platform by providing comprehensive details about your expertise, experience, and specialties. Increase your chances of attracting qualified leads.

How to get started on Nobul

  1. Create a great profile

    It's easy, important and free. Your profile showcases you all day, every day to the buyers and sellers looking in the areas where you work. Use our guide to make the most of your opportunity and let yourself shine.

  2. Contact clients fast

    Our in-app communication gives buyers and sellers the peace of mind they crave so they can start a conversation. When they reach out to you respond easily and quickly with just a click. Make the connection. We'll support you every step of the way.

  3. Make more money and grow your business

    Nobul works while you sleep. 24hrs a day we're attracting buyers and sellers actively looking for a great agent. We pour ourselves into making buying and selling real estate a better experience for buyers, sellers and agents.

Create profile

Frequently asked questions

Don't see your question here? Contact us at [email protected]. We'd love to hear from you.

  1. How to start generating leads as a real estate agent?


    To start getting leads as a real estate agent, first you will want to create a free Nobul profile. Buyers and sellers can compare top agents on Nobul and your profile will show up if they are looking in your area. Our advisors work with both you and the clients to help everyone have a great experience.

  2. What should you include in your profile?


    Your profile showcases you to potential clients. It is important to have your About section filled out so buyers and sellers can learn more about you and your experience. Other important things to include on your profile include your specialties, the areas you serve, the languages you speak, and any other information that would be helpful to prospective clients.

  3. How to share your profile


    Your Nobul agent profile will be public to local buyers and sellers in your area. You can share a link to your profile on Nobul to a lead or post to your social networks for even more promotion of your page. Have any questions? We are here to help you!

What are you waiting for?

There are buyers and sellers who would love to meet you. Let them choose you. We’re looking forward to working with you!

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